Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 1 - hungry but determined.

Stomach feels flatter.... but that maybe because there is nothing in it!

Feel hungry - not eating carbs is so... unsatisfying. However, rest assured that when I am feeling hungry, my body must be burning something - so if there's no food/carbs in me, it must be fat right??? right???


Thank the gods for Coke Zero - a legal sin.

Stuck to the plan today -

vanilla shake for breakfast

piece cheese and slice of ham for snack

iced green tea (homemade with no cal sweetener)

caramel shake for lunch

boiled egg for snack

coffee (Lfat milk) + strawberries

sml tin salmon + cup of tea

pork and vegies for dinner

whittakers choc almond bar

ok... the end was a bit dodgy, but I chose the smallest bar I could with the most nuts. Hey, it's mostly almonds really, right??? right???

you can see when I get the nibbles - after lunch before dinner (bout 4pm). But I stuck to it - I'm proud of myself.

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