O Hai.
Dis iz Cookie. I m on Mum's cempoota postin a blog.
I saw dis Hullo Kitty Dog Houz on th web an I want 1. It huz 7,600 sw...swz...swarovski cristells in it, and itz costin $37 000.
I fink Mum should buy me 2. 1 for insyde an 1 for outsyde.

The couch is morphing... stay tuned!
Too Cute.. although Cookie you know you are banned from new beds due to the fact you nearly ate the last one all up!!!
I am guessing at Crystals are going to be, at least, harder to pass out if you do ate them!
Oh WOW! That's quite the puppy bed! My gosh!
Oh my.. I personally would like to try to curl up in that bed..:)
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment.
OMG -- WANT ONE! (And I don't even have a dog!)
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