Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Time!!!

Look! LOOK! I'm in the paper! The NATIONAL paper - with my time!

I ran 14km in 114.34!!!
That's ummm... 8mins a kilometre!
That's 122.4 metres per minute! (Gawd - I am SUCH a teacher...)
I came... um... about 35 000th out of 71 000!!!

Do you hear that???? I WASN'T LAST!!!

Yay me! *punches the air*

A big thankyou to Laura and Jim - who sent words of encouragement the night before. That meant so much guys: You both inspire me so much! :)


Aron said...

AWESOME job!!!!

Laura said...

Aww, thank you for the thank you! I'm so excited - you did REALLY well! Middle of the pack is nowhere NEAR the end, and on your first race? INCREDIBLE!