Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Another run today...

Pump class last night (oww!) 1 hour run with the school Mini marathon team today (ee!) decided I deserved a treat. I ate not one but 2 Freddo frogs and I wish I could tell you that they were normal small sized ones, but they were giant sized. Damn his stupid coy smile and his encouraging little thumbs-up. And double damn his irresistable fatteningly delicious chocolate insides... They were so forbidden from my diet...

...but they were BLOODY FANTASTIC.

It was like having a million chocolate multiple orgasms... (ok maybe I'm a little delerious, but it's been a while since my last chocolate hit; and I AM an addict).

So any righteous feelings I had about all the exercise is gone. *sigh*. Oh well, one thing I did notice today was that running actually felt a tiny bit easier today. Okay: Let me clarify this - When running, I still looked like a walrus wearing ill-fitting flippers. And I still hated every second. But I wasn't dieing after 50 metres of slow jogging. I actually shuffled along 'til I felt out of breath, and when I stopped to walk, I didn't have to fumble around for my mobile phone to call an ambulance. I felt puffed, but ok.

This is HUGE. Let me assure you. Usually when I run,, after the first, oh, 20 seconds or so; I need a crash cart. It's all I can do to draw breath and remain upright. But today... I just got puffed. And then I walked a bit. Then I started again.


Oooohhh lets hope so! :)

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