Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Book Update

I've read a fair few books of late, and I have just realised that I haven't added them to the BLOG!

So here's a run-down...

Extra Virgin - Annie Hawes
Makes you want to run to the airport and jump on the nearest plane to Italy! Beautiful descriptions, and funny anecdotes, but a bit long-winded.
3.5 out of 5

Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
A classic love story/tragedy.
4 out of 5

Amrita - Banana Yoshimoto
I LOVED her other novel 'Kitchen' - this one disappointed. Couldn't get through it.
Way too 'airy-fairy' for me.
2 out of 5.

The Great Gatsby - F.Scott Fitzgerald
2 out of 5.

Finally I just finished "The Rouseabout" by Rachael Treasure

It was ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! I could not put this book down! It made me homesick, it made me laugh, it made me cringe... I loved Treasure's other novels "The Stockman" and "The Jillaroo", but this one has a special place in my heart now!
It's fabulous - if you haven't read it yet: Go get it NOW!
5+ out of 5.


Beckz said...

I've read Jillaroo it made me want to pack up and leave my green pastures for the outback. But then I realised I sunburn really easy!

Anonymous said...

I loved it too. This was her first book that i had read. I had just finished reading The Brumby and the Showgirl by Leanne Lehman which i really liked. After I read Rouseabout I read Jillaroo. I really liked that too. But did you think that they were really similar to start off with? Especially the main character's family situation.
Eg. both characters name's started with 'R' (and so does the author's)
the father's name starts with 'H'
in one the girl's mother died before the story strted and in the other the parents were divorced and the mother had moved away
in both the girl's brother who she got along with the best died
in both she left home after a disagreement with her father and went to ag college while away

Don't get me wrong I LOVE both books and am going to read Stockmen next but I just wanted your opinion.
What other books would you recommend that are similar to Rachael Treasure's books?
