Saturday, August 11, 2007

10 Things About Anjel

I've been tagged by Constance to write 10 things about myself as she has on her Blog.

Right - here goes.

1) I'm a Cancerian. Through-and-through.

2) I LOVE Mexican food. It's my fave meal. LOTS of Guacomole... Mmmm....

3) When I was a kid I had a real identity crisis for a while because I didn't recognise myself in the mirror. I always thought I looked like someone else. I thought I was tall and thin with long dark hair and dark skin, when in actual fact, I am tall and solid, and I had blonde hair and a fringe. It used to really confuse me to look in the mirror. Now I think that other dark-haired dark-skinned girl may have been a spirit or guide who was around me when I was little.

4) I have been a tele-marketter, vet nurse, burger-flipper, checkout chick, strapper, and a pharmacy dispensary assistant.

5) My real name means "Angel" in Gaelic.

6) The word nostalgia makes me uncomfortable. But I love the word snappy. And nippers. I also think names shouldn't have 'sh' or 'th' sounds in them.

7) I had a terrible lisp as a kid.

8) I love the book Ninteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. It opened my mind, and blew everything I thought I knew and took for granted out the window.

9) My wisdom teeth came through when I was 15, and they were straight, and I still have them all in. They're just like all my other teeth.

10) I have a pathological fear of being mediocre.

TAG: Sabrina (aka EquineSpirit) - Your turn!


EquineSpirit said...

OH BOY! I love these! I'll do this later today after I do a little brainstorming...LOL!

EquineSpirit said...

Amazing how much we have in common huh? Wonder what else there is? Hmmm....LOL!